Eye floaters are pretty common. Around 70 % of the population will experience them at some point in their lives. Floaters are small spots or thread/string-like structures that drift across the eyes. They can be seen anytime but are commonly seen when looking against the sky, white paper, or light background.
In most cases floaters are benign and cause no harm, and neither do they interfere with the vision. However, there are times when the floaters are not normal and are certainly a cause of concern.


As mentioned around 70% of the population experiences floaters at some point in their lives. They are a part of the normal aging process. This is because the clear jelly inside the eye called ‘VITREOUS’ undergoes changes with age. The vitreous liquefies in places. Microscopic fibers within the vitreous begin to clump together and these cast shadows on the retina which are seen as floaters.

Other causes of floaters
  • Inflammation in the back of the eye.
  • Bleeding into the vitreous due to injury, diabetes, or hypertension.
  • Blood cells are seen as floaters.
  • Retinal tears.
When are floaters a cause of concern?
  • A big increase in the number of floaters.
  • Floaters with the blurring of vision.
  • Floaters with flashes of light.
  • Floaters with a dark shadow like a curtain in your peripheral vision.

These symptoms can be due to some vision-threatening conditions and an urgent consultation with an eye specialist is recommended in such cases.

Treatment for floaters

Treatment depends upon the cause. If the floaters are due to some eye condition, treatment for the same is required. If the floaters are caused by aging and they are not bothersome no treatment is usually required. Our brain learns to adapt over time and the person experiencing floaters will learn to ignore them.
Sometimes the floaters might interfere with your vision and hamper your daily life. In such cases, a surgery called a vitrectomy may be suggested to remove the floaters. This surgery has its own risks and benefits which should be discussed with your eye doctor.